Since the beginning of February 2017 , SEO consultant around the globe are rejoicing because you are now able to link your Google Search Console to the new and free Data Studio! That’s right I said free!
Google announced that not only they are making Data Studio free for anyone to use, but they are also removing the limit of reports that you can create. This update from Google is really making my day because as a graphic designer, I really enjoy making kick ass graphs, and Google Data Studio is the perfect tool to do this!
Data studio is a new and innovative tool from Google. It is still considered “Beta” but this tool will will help you build engaging and interactive reports with the data collected from Analytics, Adwords, Search Console and many more.
Google Data Studio is the ultimate tool to graphically and visually represent the incoming data from your business efforts. For large businesses, there is too much data being collected at one time and not to mention, from various touch points as well.
In the end, it becomes quite difficult to not only manage this data but analyze it to make effective decisions. For this purpose, the Google Data Studio is an amazing tool to easily represent data visually and share it with your colleges or clients.
Data Studio allows you to prepare beautiful and easy to understand reports. As a result, you have a better chance of creating value for the business from the data you have collected and analyzed.
Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster tools) is another free tool from Google that helps SEO consultants and Webmasters alike, monitor website Search traffic, link profile, optimize keyword ranking etc…
The analytics collected through this tool allows you to optimize your website in a way that produces better value for the business.
If you do not have a Google Search Console account, I urge you to create one right now and start monitoring your web activities.
Outrun Studio has created this free and easy to use template to get you started linking your Search Console data.
How to use this template?
1. The first thing you will want to do after downloading the data studio template for Search console, is make a copy of it. Click on File (on the top left, and make a copy)
2. Toggle the edit mode on
3. Replace your data source. When launching the template you will get a message that the configuration is incomplete. Don’t panic and simply replace your Data sources.
4.You may have to create new Data source by clicking on Google Search Console and selecting the desired website.
5.Once the data sources have been replaced, you will need to make sure that your metrics are correctly implemented. You can easily do this by clicking on metrics and choosing what you want to analyze.
That is all!
You will notice on page 2, I have created a printable version with a white background.
Thank you and have fun with Google Data studio!